Koro honey is the first honey brand to be exported out of Fiji. Fiji honey is unique because it is purely organic. Fiji’s isolation in the middle of the Pacific means there is no Varroa mite affecting the bees – unlike most other countries around the world who need to treat their hives.
Our honey is lovingly harvested by Sekove’s bee keeping team and packed by hand. Our cutcomb product is in fact untouched by human hands when harvested. We place the packaging inside the hive and the bees do the rest!
We are continually innovating and adding new products to our range.
This year we will launch a Special Reserve Range dedicated to showcasing our best apiary locations – honey that demonstrates a unique character and the best honey in Fiji! Not all our honey will make it into our Special Reserve. It has taken years of identifying the locations and the unique wild flowers that produce an outstanding honey.